What are Performance Analytics?
Every organisation has an enormous amount of information at its fingertips. From average completion times to missed SLAs and field utilisation, the options are frequently overwhelming and difficult to apply. An effective analytics strategy identifies 3 key factors:
- The right platform to capture data
- The right time to capture data
- The relevant metric to be captured
By integrating the reporting solution with accurate data captured in the field, the organisation can benefit from end to end analytics service that drives valuable benefits.
The value of Performance Analytics
The key benefit of a best of breed analytics solution is in measuring the right metrics in a timely and concise manner. This can provide the following benefits:
- Important decision are made based on correct data
- An evolving reporting set that adapts with the organisation
- Target correct areas for improvement
- Reduction in cost of data gathering
- Improved ability to define new products and services
According to Big Data (Bernard Marr) by 2020, the amount of digital information in existence will have grown from 3.2 zettabytes to 40 zettabytes. Getting in at the start will allow the organisation to draw benefit ahead of the curve.
How WorkForce Delta can help
The consultants at WorkForce Delta have decades of experience in working with clients to determine the right analytics platform, analyse the data that needs to be captured and ensure that the solution is well integrated to the real data being captured in the field. Let WorkForce Delta be your difference in analytics!